emily. i'm so proud of her for completing
the triathlon on saturday!
here she is with her dad and in the bike
transition area getting ready to run!

and here's me and my nieces after the race
grabbing some culver's custard.
the orange hat was such a hit last year, i wore
it again....it's been a crowd favorite!
i wear it at all the mitch events.

today is the day that my sister and her husband
go to australia and i begin life as a parent for
10 days! if you prayed for the weather for the
race yesterday, thank you, now pray 10 times
as hard that i come out of this one alive!! :)
the girls and i are pretty excited!
i'm actually writing this on saturday evening
because i was just informed that i am getting
a new G5 tomorrow and gary is going to have
all the stuff on my lap top put onto
the new machine! wow! surprize! :)
apparently i have been complaining a lot that
my G4 laptop is slower that molasses in january.
i love my laptop, don't get me wrong but a
faster processor will be just the ticket! so, yay!
i didn't want to go a day without blogging so
there ya go.
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