emily's open house was last night.
4th grade....FOURTH GRADE!!!!
here are some highlights...
she has her same teacher from last year!
her good friend brianna is in her class!
(they selected desks across from one another)

another friend is in her class!
(from the slumber party the other night.
she's the one who stayed up all night
with emily!)

checking the list of things to do
before she leaves...

this is the day the girls have been talking
about since before anne & pete even
pulled out of the driveway!
and this is the day that i secretly knew
i would be regretting...
i have truly had the best time here
with these girls.
parenting is tough, but i stuck to my guns!
it's going to be tough to go home tonight.
(sorry gary, you know i love you it's just that
i love them so and we really connected the
past 11 days....i look forward to MY
homecoming with you! that puts a smile
on my face!)
i look at my life before the 20th of august
and think, wow, my life is dull. what did
i do with all that spare time?
(okay, that's enough gary!)
so i've decided.....gary?...my mom is going
to come home to live with us and do laundry
and dishes! (tee hee) ;0
today will be a day of preparation for the
big moment (late tonight).
i do have to pop home for a couple of hours
to do some hair tonight, but i will return.
i wouldn't miss it for anything!
amanda wants to "get all pretty" for tonight
and emily...well, she just wants her mom
& dad home!
rest assured, i'll have them all spit-shined
for tonight!
i didn't get many photos yesterday due to the
fact that i worked from 9 to 5 at home.
i met nicki for lunch at the dunn bros' on 4...
she and i love that one! it's great in the fall!
it was nice to get out, thanks for the call nicki!
skipped my network meeting again to deal with
pictage, AGAIN!!!! i'm going to get out of that
whole mess the middle of September when my
trial period is up. I'm going to research
"event picks" next..
raced back here to take emily to her open house.
oh, and this little tidbit......
on my way to my house yesterday morning
i bumped the car in front of me at the light
on galpin & 5....the car in front of me was turning
right but waiting for an opening (not an easy task).
i saw the opportunity for her to go, i watched her
go and then i looked over my left shoulder to be
certain that there would be enough room for
me to go too...there was so i went.
she, unfortunately did not. MAN!!!
she was late, i was late, i explained that i was
staying at anne's....that i lived in eden prairie
and i gave here a business card and we both took
off. the bolts on my license plate left a couple
of scratches in her bumper...i felt just awful!!!!!
if the woman that i rear ended looks at my card,
goes to my website, and checks out this blog...
i live a sheltered life working out of my home and
not having to deal with the morning & evening
rush hours...YUCK!!
oh, and why is it that the next light turns red
and i'm right behind her again so she has to worry
if i'm going to do it again!?
anne & pete arrive in LA around 3pm, our time.
then land here ar 9:30.
(oh, they called last night and said that they
are going to travel to fiji again someday soon
and bring a couple of "fijians" home to the states.
it's such a poor island...but gorgeous!...we think
they are kidding!?)
enjoy your thursday.
and have a safe holiday weekend!
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