these two are going to the dentist today!
their dentist's office called about a cancellation
yesterday and i said "sure! i'll bring 'em in thursday!"
one less thing for anne to do when she get's home
and one more memory for the girls to remember
me by! HA!!! :p~~~~

yesterday i got to go out on an adult outting. yay me!
i had another aunt (josie) come over for a couple of
hours so that i could attend my network meeting at
the all new "eden prairie lifetime fitness athletic club"
(formerly "flagship"). good to get out. had to leave it
early so that i would have time to stop by my house
and pick up my laptop. gary was there and i got to say,
"hi! bye!" and a quick kiss-i was out the door. needed to
get back so josette could get to work. wwwhhhheeeew!
they swam for a bit and then sat in and watched.......
drum roll please...........MORE "FULL HOUSE"!! shocker!
i, on the other hand was on the phone for over an hour
talking to pictage...or should i say yelling at pictage.
i got the worst e-mail from a client that was fed up
with them and wanted to know what to do...i was
sick to my stomach! i have had similar experiences
with them these past 6 weeks. pretty disappointed, really.
i thought that Pictage was going to be the end all to end all.
not so. nothing is as it was promised. it's just sucking!
i was actually in tears with this gal that i was talking
to...yelling and crying.... my poor nieces just sat and
wondered what was was just aweful!
we had pancakes for dinner in honor of anne and pete.
they are having breakfast when we are having dinner!
then a little popcorn, "RV" with robin williams and
an early bedtime. i actually got amanda to sleep
in her own bed!
again, yay me! :)
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