Friday, September 21, 2007

this just in....

Crawford, Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the
personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in
the presidential bathroom where both books were kept. Both his
books have been lost. A Presidential spokesman said the President
was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.
The White House tried to call FEMA, but there was no answer.
(okay, so i stole this off my sister's blog...pretty funny!) :)

i'm excited to announce that i will be taking over my pug blog
giving jason & stacey thon a much needed break from even
thinking about keeping that current!
i'm going to start that soon so keep a close eye on this
one for more updates! ;)

i talked to karen fernow, executive director of the
MOMF last night at length regarding the future of my
involvement and i'm ecstatic to report that this young
organization is thriving and dependent upon all that i
can provide and i will continue to offer up all the support
that i can throughout it's growth as a non~profit foundation!
it gives me great joy and fulfillment!
i selfishly suggested that karen, becky and i
meet up at campielo's for dinner tonight so that we can discuss
upcoming events and needs of the foundation.
i'm hoping that i can talk my sister, anne into taking
over the position of "grant manager"...are you up for it??

megan (bella) is flying in this morning from chicago
for the wedding that we are shooting tomorrow.
we're gonna hook up this afternoon and go over our

minneapolis and it's surrounding suburbs experienced
some wicked storms late afternoon and early evening
yesterday. all is well in eden prairie altho' it was
the focus for quite awhile. portland at 494 was under
water, yea, SHOCKER!!!!

supposed to be a fabulous weekend.

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