Monday, September 03, 2007

back to work?

when was i aWAY from work?
who stops working anyway, really?
the fact of the matter is~i LOVE what i do!
so i don't mind sneaking in a little work
even a holiday weekend! :)
oh, sure...i was shucking corn and cutting
up fruit, switching loads and emptying the
dishwasher right along with the rest of you.
but i get this anxious feeling if i don't
sit down to my G5 and at LEAST zip off a
blog or read other photographer's blogs
or friends's contagious!
(stacy from staja studios was editing
all weekend...we exchanged a couple of
e-mails...gotta get lavalu!!)

did everyone have a fun, safe holiday?
we did. didn't really do much. had plans
to...just kind of hunkered down as if a
blizzard had dumped a couple of feet of
snow. i'm afraid that due to the coming
heat that we will wish it had! :)
didn't get out of the house...come to think
of it i never got out of my jammies either!
felt goo. i did work a little cuz i'm a
"get it done" kinda gal!

wow! could summer have gone any faster?
it's so fun to see all the kids at
the bus stop in all their new clothes
and big 'ol back packs.

i remember insisting on wearing some
new school clothes (i.e. sweater/wool skirt)
the first day and then just wanting to
DIE by the time i got home cuz it was
so hot out (yes, i used to own a skirt!).

i pray everyone got to classes on time,
found their lockers and got the combination
right the FIRST time! ;)

let's's TUESDAY, not monday and
the trash is out (a day late due to the
holiday). i just know i'm going to think
it's monday all day. monday holidays
always mess me up a little!

~NACE meeting tomorrow night
~zach's senior portraits thursday
~meeitng with cory barton about my site
on thursday or friday.
~bella wedding saturday.
(gonna miss apple day in excelsior!)

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