Sunday, August 27, 2006

owatonna survived..barely

picture this....
no iphoto to load images into.
just when i thought things couldn't
get any worse!!!!!!

anne and pete called saturday morning...
about 1:30 am their time. out partying!
i said... "drinking and dialing, anne?"
she laughed.
they had just come home from a magnificent
party and everyone else was off to a nearby
town to keep partying...anne & pete declined
and stayed back at the hotel...good call.

i went to pick emily up at 11 and they were
watching harry potter 4 and it was almost
over so i packed up her stuff and threw it
in the car and we said our "thank you"s and
"good bye"s and headed home.

emily stayed in her pj's all day and slept
on tht couch most of the afternoon.
apparently, she was one of the 5 girls that
stayed up all night!
i took a couple of photos of her sleeping
sitting's pretty funny, i'll try to get some
photos up soon.

don and cindy came up on yesterday for a
few hours. i haven't seen either of them
in a while. that's my mom's sister and her
husband. we had a great visit! so good to see
them both. we just sat at the pool and had some
wine & snacks.
they finally got the power back...24 hours later and
many of the blocks near them had a tremendous
amount of trees down. don said all you could hear
from morning til night was chainsaws!! ugh.
they escaped with little damage.

oh, everyone....kimmy is 2 months pregnant!!!!!
that's right kiki! they have been trying for over
a year and are reallllllllly excited!
i wish i could get a hold of them!

more harry potter before bed and then anne & pete
called again. this time later than usual due
to the big party the night before.
so two calls from them yesterday.

yesterday they fed a kangaroo....held an aligator
and pet a tasmanian devil....clearly they
were at a zoo. :) is sure hope they got photos!
speaking of zoos, kindra, we are still planning on
the zoo for monday. hope you still want to go.

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