just catching up with life!
ya know what? i love to travel.
whether it's work related or holiday...i love traveling.
i love planning, packing, great hotel bedding,
hotel note pads, the little shampoos and conditioners,
maid service, finding a great local hang out or a
fabulous restaurant, a nightcap in the hotel bar...all of it!
that said...i also love to come home.
the cat hair that makes me nuts is a welcome site!
the two of them just snuggle up and try to make up for
the lost time (thanks jacquie for watching after them
again for us. it really means the world to us to know
that they are in good hands.).
this trip went so fast and yet 3 days felt like a week~
after the very long graduation day on friday, we spent
saturday just bopping around...just gary and i. nice.
headed for malibu and stopped along the way at the
santa monica pier. a silly little boardwalk/pier with all
kinds of crap like rides and trinkets and snacks.
love the carousel. i took a bunch of shots of that!
right off the pier is this little surfer looking bar with
a small patio in front. it was packed and loud like it was
happy hour or something so we stopped in after the crowd
cleared out. turns out it's the world famous "big dean's".
apparently everyone goes there when they open (10:30)
and everyone downs a beer...it's famous for
"the first beer of the day!" okay...who are we to argue.
the fog lifted and a it was another
stellar day! drove up the pacific coast highway and
drove by suzanne sommer's burned up property. weird.
lunch in malibu at the chart house. got seated right by
the window over looking the ocean, awsome!
then drove through hollywood to get to mulholland drive.
super cool road with some amazing vistas and property
so unbelievable that i can't even describe.
back to town and a few beers outside at a little spot
in the japanese village just steps from our hotel.
met a really great group of gentelmen that live in the area.
all about 80 and big budwieser drinkers. they thought
it was funny that we were drinking kirin! so that started
our new found friendship. really, terrific people!
clarence even told us that he has a shrine all set up
at home for his late mother and made a tofu key lime
pie to celebrate on mother's day with her. sweet, or what?!
he ran home to get us a slice. it was delicious!

well, this big day got even bigger...we met machie, bonnie
and yasuko for dinner at this great japanese restaurant
across the street and then off to the hotel bar for some
more karaoke!
we had to get up and hit the road for an early flight back to
minnesota. but not before we met the gals one last time in
the lobby cafe for a lite bite and good-byes.
planning to go back and visit machie sometime soon!
great trip!
machie called sunday night to thank us for coming out!
she'll do just fine out there! :)
here's some shots from the weekend....

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