hair (actually, it looks pretty good most
of the time), i went to visit my good
friend "dee" at metropolis, a group of people
i have known and worked with for years!
i had received a confirmation e-mail from
them (something new) so i decided to go
and see if they actually had put together
a website. now, keep in mind that all of
these talented people have been assembled
from all over the metro area and have worked
with some extremely upscale salons such as
rocco altobelli (where most of us originally
met), horst and the like. it's a rental
opportunity salon.
i actually left rocco's about 14 years ago
with 2 others and started this place in deephaven.
it's undergone many facelifts and looks great!
it was great to see everyone and as always,
we make plans to get together and catch up.
okay, on to part 2 of my day...i headed over
to the airport hilton (i've missed the last
2 due to travel) but this was a big day...
THREE cancer families checked in friday so
we had our hands full placing toys, gifts
and balloons in 6 rooms (3 adjoining)!
then we head to the lobby to meet and greet
the families as they arrive.
the first family got there a little early.
torrey line, 17 is a wrestler and had a pretty
terrific tattoo of a tiger on his right thigh!
he had it done in motley and plans to go soon
to have it colored in! WOW!
he's afflicted with osteosarcoma.
his mom, dad, younger brother & sister and
his darling girlfriend were all there for the
weekend. torrey had some work to do yesterday...
he had to write a speech for the "relay for life"
down in mankato last night! torrey gave me the
okay to throw some of his photos up here on my
blog......and due to the fact that they arrived
pretty early, we got to spend a lot of time with
torrey and his whole family...pretty cool!
(karen,exec. dir. for the MOMF on the left and
becky, mitch's mom far right posing with the family)

here's christain...he's 5! so excited that he
ran and jumped around so much that i only got a
couple of shots of him. that's his 14 year old sister.

here's hailey, i'm sure you might remember
her from the twins game a few weeks back.
here she is in her room with all her loot.
i had her put on the tiarra!!! :)

she and her sister mackenzie also thought that
the revolving door was a bunch of fun too!!!

well, i'm off to see kathryn.
she has a dance recital today! fun!