so i'm sorry for not being able to sit down and write until
now. i guess i would have had time thursday night but we decided
to hit the hotel bar for happy hour and never left! sad to say
that i even got into the karaoke and graced them with 3 songs!
amazing what courage you can get from a bottle of cabernet! :)
alright...i'll tell you..."crazy" (my all time best performance),
"blue" by leanne rimes and then a new one..."what hurts the most"
by rascal flats...thought i'd go a little "off the board" and
sing one that i knew but haven't ever sang (in public!) :)
okay, moving on...
hotel miyako is mighty nice!
it's in little tokyo. what we have noticed about LA that is
the same in San Fransisco is that no one eats breakfast!
we have walked tirelessly in both cities on a QUEST to find
breakfast...and all we can every find is Carl's Jr. ~ Jack in the
Box, Starbucks and that's it....sad.
Which is tough when you travel to the west coast and gain 2 hours
and wake up at like 4:30! AM!!!!
Graduation ALL DAY yesterday...up at 5...breakfast...
(jack in the box...yuck!) at 6..get to the campus at 7 and get
great seats in front of one of the many jumbo trons!
machi (mariko) graduated from the school of cinematic arts at USC.
so the general ceremony held at 9 was about an hour long and
then they have satellite ceremonies for all of graduates
majors, minors and so on... so lots of moving around....finding
seats. weather was spectacular! 72..sunny!
last year i guess it was 105! ugh!!
Clint Eastwood was given an honorary degree so we got to see him
at the general in the morning and the production ceremony in
the afternoon at galen auditorium where he actually spoke..
pretty cool.

gary and i are going to head to malibu (it's about 10am saturday)
so i'll write more later!
hope the cats are behaving!!
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