my brother's anniversary yesterday!
he and kindra celebrated their 7th(?) wedding
anniversary yesterday and altho' i called,
i failed to make note of it here...sorry m&k!
today, however, is emily's TENTH birthday.
i've been know to whip up birthday poems and
so i'm still working on hers! the party is at
4:30 today!
kathryn's recital yesterday was nothing short
of fabulous! summit dance really puts on a show!
here's kathryn...i took her to her room while
gerri parked the car. kathryn calls me "aunt sue"!
always has...she just decided one day that i was her aunt!

the big finish....she's 2nd from the right..

all ages and this many more guys and
i am tellin' you, they are AWESOME!!!

afterwards we headed over to the marsh and sat
on the patio and enjoyed a yummy lunch.
check out my "marsh salad w/ chicken"!!!

86 degrees yesterday....60 today....nice!
gotta love minnesota weather.