what a night. loved melinda doolittle's
performance! and even tayor hicks!
but my biggest surprise was the return
of ruben studdard! that guy can SING!!!
i've seen each and every american idol
season and altho' kelly clarkson has been
my favorite since the beginning....
chris daughtry is a very close 2nd!
i have yet to purchase other winner's
CD's, i think that carrie underwood and
even ruben studdard & taylor hicks deserve
a second chance! they all did remarkably
well last night!
i'm sorry that fantasia couldn't be there
but i understand that she was "working"!
good for her!
what the hell was bette midler doing there?
the skuttle~butt was all about why
sir paul macartney didn't show up.
they rehearsed all those beetles songs~
last year when they sang all the prince
songs and HE popped out was so cool!
so everyone was thinking...hmmmmm.....what's
going on? where is he? i'm sure we'll
find out soon but so far no one has come
forward to say anything...and ya know what?
so what!
oh, and what about green day???
hey, wanna perform in front of 130 million
people??? SURE!!! whatever.
i thought it was "sell out city" myself.
sure, i'm happy for jordin and all but
c'mon...it's one big finale infomercial, right?!
i enjoy the show but lets get one thing
straight...i won't be standing in line to
purchase my "idols across america tour" tickets.
moving on...
i wanted to mention that i got a really
terrifically yummy thank~you gift delivered
the other day. this was from Emmeline Yang,
a graduate from USC whom I have never met.
i photographed her for her parents (we sat
next to them at the film school portion at
the galen center) and sent a CD out to her
in LA. she's from england and has spent
the past 4 years studying at USC in film.
anyway, these cookies arrived and i thought
"what the...?" and then i opened the card
and it was from the Yang family!
thank you so much Yang family!
dancing deer baking company out of boston.

they have yummy brownies and cakes too! enjoy!
more rain today. MUCH needed but all the
flowers i bought to plant are all still just
sitting in their flats out front. :(
oh well...color is color, right!? :)
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