fletcher's on the lovely lake minnetonka.
i'll be covering the event today
for brady forseth of northwestern
health sciences university.
it is GORGEOUS out and the humidity
is leaving us today..good riddance!
PERFECT day for the event!!
it was so darn hot and humid yesterday
that gary went out to pick up some
wine and actually brought home a bottle
of santa margherita pinot grigio!
(and some scrummy chinese take~out!)
white wine and chinese is something
that we almost never do...THAT'S how
hot it was!!!
we minnesotan's are always talking about
the weather...why is that?
yesterday i got some requests to shoot
a few more bella weddings in september~
that's cool! more on those as they develope.
oh, later tonight we are getting together
with friends for a pheasant dinner.
gary and all his buddies that hunt pheasant
in the fall typically get together over the winter
and throw a big 'ol pheasant feed (wives too)
and somehow this year the time got away
from everyone and so we're doing it tonight!
megnan is loving her wedding photos.
i released her event to her yesterday and
i got a sweet note from her last night.
i also received a beautiful thank you in the
mail yesterday from the mother of the baby i
photographed for "now i lay me down to sleep"
back on the 10th. she included a check for $25
and i plan to donate it back to the organization
in her daughter's name.

people ask me all the time...
"how can you do that?" or
"i could never do that." and this
is what i tell them....
i can do all things through God,
who strengthens me.
God is great!
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