14th birthday (happy birthday mitch!).
so at today's (5th annual) "miracle open"~
held at deer run in victoria, mn on the 14th
hole, they are serving birthday cake!
i think i'll be there a lot today! :)
yesterday i had the privilege of meeting
and greeting about 150 kids with cancer
up at camp courage in annandale, minnsota.
i have never been to a camp like this
before. i watched these kids come walking
up to registration, running up, skipping up,
running AND screaming...so much energy!
below, from left to right...
karen (executive director),lexi (her assistan),
melissa (mitch's sister), steve (mitch's dad),
dr. joanna perkins (of children's),
becky (mitch's mom) and joanna's two boys.
one young man, age 15, was returning for
his 8th year at this camp. these camp
counselors have watched many of these kids
grow up with their diseases. pretty cool.
the campers quickly were assigned to a cabin,
picked out a bed and changed into swimsuits
for what looked like a registration day ritual~
a GIANT slip and slide was placed on a hill
and coated with soap~and man, what a perfect
welcome on a hot summer summer day!
now the kids were clean too!! :)
even lexi got into the fun!
as the registration desk waited for their
interpreter for 5 year old twin brothers
i shared my spanish with them as they spoke
poquito english...it's alway a great joy
for me to communicate in another language!
dr. joanna perkins was there and will be all
week with these kids. joanna brings along her
to sons and they bunk with kids their age.
pretty cool experience for young boys to
be surrounded with kids with cancer.
pretty life shaping i'd say.
here's a few of the nurses on hand for the week!
lots of meds to keep track of here!
here's the twin boys..aren't they adorable!?
side note...a lot of noise upstairs this
morning...why? apparently gary has decided
that today was the day we replace the window
over the sink! who knew!?
i don't know about you, but when i hear
the electric saw in the house...i get nervous!
so, here's to keeping the project under
a thousand bucks! am i right, ladies???
off to deer run for some fun.
this fund raiser is referred to as a
"mature event for immature adults!"
in the spirit of mitch there is a water
balloon launcher, super soakers and all
kinds of goofy side games...it's always
a blast!
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