what a day we had yesterday!
northwestern health sciences university
really knows how to put on a fund~raising
event! way to go brady! nice job!
arrived at lord fletcher's at 9:30am.
(with my red, ranger boats hat on!)
wandered around and found brady who
introduced me to mark ziegler,
dr. mark is the president of nhsu, who
then said "hey, do you know who this is?
this is anthony bonsante."
and i said "the bullet?? from the
contender? i sat nearly ring~side at both
of your target center fights
last winter and watched you pound on
vanda AND i bought a "bullet" shirt
AND i photographed your kids at the
first fight!!...yes, i know tony!"
mark ziegler then asked if he could
take a picture of the two of us..sure!
he made me put up my dukes...sorry.

and then i had him talk to my sister!

i have GOT to get to excelsior right now
to photograph spike & lauren so
i'm going to save the rest for tomorrow...
have a fantabulous day (let's see if THAT
one makes it into the dictionary!! it should...
it really should..
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