good thing i have a lot of work to take
care of inside!
wrapping up many projects in anticipation
of this weekend's wide array of location
shooting....this should be fun!
so how does everyone else feel about
drew carey hosting the price is right?
i think the show should have just gone
off the air with bob opinion.
oh, i forgot to mention that a terrific
client of mine's (lauren) boyfriend, "spike"
has agreed to have me photograph him.
he is already with an agency and does
quite a bit of modeling but when i asked
if i could get the two of them together
for a shoot, they said sure so this saturday,
in the middle of an already crazy weekend,
the three of us are going to head out
downtown minneapolis and goof off a little!
that'll be a gas! plus, lauren is darling!
say, remember the topiary guy that i told
you about from the starkey gala event???
his name is ricardo edelstein. i found
some images that i shot for he and his
wife, bobbie, of the topiaries he did for the
vip party at the austin's home in eden prairie.
these things were amazingly fabulous!

be sure to visit their hugo location,
web site and blog...they are listed under
the links at the top of this page.
tell him i sent you!
late entry from this past weekend...
the "boys of summer" birthday party~
here's ben & the family (he turned 15
on the 18th!)

and ben with his 3 uncles with
whom he shares a summer~month birthday.
(ben, mike, tim & scott)

stay hydrated, indoors and inspired!
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