seems i'm saying that everyday!
this tournament never disappoints!
it's always fun and almost always
sold out. this year was no exception!
not quite as hot as last year (102)
(thank God!) but certainly not as
cold as the very first year that it
was held out at dahlgreen in chaska
5 falls ago. we thought it was
going to snow that year! man, that was
a cold one!
i think we could have had squirt guns
and water balloons at every hole!
not that the sangria at 17 (compliments
of the airport hilton in bloomington)
or the jello shots at 13 weren't enough!!
i think becky (mitch's mom) had like
15 total jello shots...ugh!!
here's becky having birthday cake on the 14th
green with mitch!
(yesterday would have been his 14th birthday.
here's becky proudly displaying
her score card.."i got a 12 on 13!"
(um, th at would be jello shots!)
or was it...13????
then steve and i got into the reddi~whip!!!
remember calm, cool and collected shawn anderson
from the hilton??? yea, here he is with
melissa (mitch's sister) after their stand off!
thanks steve...
i just got hired for a StarkeyLab function
on thursday so i need to go re~arrange my
schedule for that day.
this will be at the WFA Center and then
a cocktail hour(s) at their home immediately
following. thanks raphael! (we worked the gala
together~he's their main guy..pictured on left)

who knows what will become of this???????