here's my other nephew, owen.

he's been a little under the weather right now.
kiki sent me this photo that she took the other day
and i played with it a bit.....
a little "noise ninja" and paper toner conversion
from "nik"...gotta have filters! :)
i want to go over and help kiki with
her camera and go over some stuff
(there's that word again, carston!)
like focal plane, depth of field, iso's
and other technical information to ensure
proper exposures.. it's tough when
you are outside with flat light, bright
white snow, falling snow, and a dark
jacket and hat...but we'll get to the bottom
of it all as soon as mr. o is feeling better.
hopefully this weekend!
oh, maybe not, it's only going to be in
the teens this weekend....drat!
we'll work inside! maybe up at the studio! :)
kiki..let's work on a backdrop for him!!
here's one of me, taken by my sister...

i told her that i wanted a shot for this blog
to post in my profile or on the front page.
this was taken after the bonsante fight at the
target center on the the friday's in ep.
i had it set for a 2nd shutter flash and, well....
we'd had a couple of glasses of wine hence, it's
a little soft...pretty flattering really! :)
jacquie, nice talking to you yesterday!
i want you to take some more shots this
weekend also....i need one for my bio page
for "bella pictures"....miss you.
can't wait to go to jabz with you!! :)
hey, i found some images of cards that i made a couple
of years ago....anyone want to get together and
make valentine's day cards!!??

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