count downs all over the world awaiting
what the new year will bring us...
health? happiness? a new job? new friends?
reunions with old ones? remission?
i spent the final day of 2006 with a great deal
of folks raising money for some relief for families
with kids who have cancer, many of whom i
hope to get to ring in 2008 with next year!
the miracles of mitch foundation (link on my blog)
has started another awesome event entitled
"the minnesota miracle" which took place yesterday.
i've written about it before.
the foundation was born of a pinky swear between a father
and son as mitch was dying of osteosarcoma coupled
with marfan's syndrome almost 3 years ago.
mitch wanted to help families suffer from trials of childhood
cancers cope and live while enduring such unthinkable
illnesses that children shouldn't be burdened with!
highlights from the event included
a visit to the minnesota valley wildlife refuge
where families could go on a scavenger hunt,
make origami animals & hear stories
of indians long ago.

no snow this year so they had to cancel
the snow shoe trek! :(
belinda jensen was the emcee for the evening
she brought her son tanner along and snow!

"temporary heros" were there again this year and
did another magnificent job of getting folks on the
dance floor and ringing in the new year!!

jon randle & his wife candace,attended this year!

there were about 21 families in attendance who
have been recipients of the minnesota miracle weekend
packages at the airport hilton in bloomington throughout
the year (total of 38 in 2006) and other families will
follow in the tradition in 2007 and into the future.
if you would like to donate to this unbelievably gracious
foundation or volunteer for events in 2007
contact shawn anderson at the airport hilton or
ron stanchfield (mitch's grandfather) at or go to the miracles of
mitch foundation site at the top of this page under my links!
today the nation buries a president.
rest in peace president gerald ford.......
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