michele bachman.
hanging on the president for 24 seconds!
even in fast forward president bush looks
uncomfortable! rather embarrassing for
the state of minnesota. well, it was a slow
news day, what can i say!
gary's off to a rehab appointment this morning.
he goes every thursday and he's improving the
mobility of his left shoulder every day...
still putting! :)
hobie, relaxing yesterday...

i got an e-mail yesterday from an old friend
(diane fredeen) who just got married last friday.
they are planning a marriage celebration this
summer in parker, south dakota (about 4 hours
from here). she wants me to come out and
stay and photograph the ceremony!
she is going to be involving all of the animals
including riding her horse down the isle
(quite clearly an outdoor ceremony!)
they are going to put gary and i up at the lodge
(pheasant hunting lodge..gary should be pleased!)
and we'll stay a day or two and join in the fun.
notable will be that i shall not be wearing my
traditional suit that i usually wear to all of my weddings,
but rather jeans and cowboy boots! yeeee haw!!
i am so pumped about this one...can't wait!
june 23rd is the date.
oh, also notable is that she has hired me before
the arrangements to have port-a-potties on site!!!
smart woman that diane!!
have a great day and remember.....

(a gift from my good friend jacquie.
who, by the way, is onboard with my southwest
art/spa.....i think i'll add alpakas too!!)
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