i spend the evening with my networking
group (eden prairie business connections),
we enjoy a dinner at bar abilene and then
we popped over to "comedysportz" at
calhoun square for the early show.
i....didn't bring along my camera!
i actually had it out, charged and ready too!
i'm such a loser.
whenever i think about bringing it with me
for something....gary always says...
"you don't need to bring that do you?!"
and then i leave it behind......i'm sorry
i didn't bring it with me this time.
we had a great time.!
i will forever, from this moment on,
bring my camera with me where ever
i go and for what ever i want whether gary
likes it or not!!!
"comedysportz" is just like the show
"who's line is it anyway"...pretty funny really!
i'd go back again.
i'd never been to bar abilene and i would go
back there again also...awesome tex/mex!
gary got lottery tickets today....i did not.
funny thing about that...he said i'd be on my
own if he won...why is that??? why does money
change people!? i'd share if I won!
i mean, all he did was purchase a few tickets
and he turned into this greedy bastard!
(not really).....
scott and nicki passed their 2nd black belt
screening! one more and then on to their
black belt test in march!!
great news!!! congrats you two!!
gary didn't hit even one # in all 5 of his
lottery tickets! guess he's stuck with me for now!
here's a couple of fight night shots from the
bonsante/vanda fight on the 12th....
you have to go sometime! it's pretty electric!
over 8000 attended this time..gues the word
is out! (1st one there was only 5K)

and here's gary, pete, anne & i (taken by our
bartender standing on the bar!!)

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