i took hobie in at 7:30 this morning to
have his procedure done.
they will sedate him and manually empty
his colon/bowel....ick, right?
whatever works! the enemas were clearly not.
so, anyway i drop him off and find that there
is a kitten ahead of hobie that is having one
of it's eye's removed (perhaps ickier!).
this is a stray from the humane society that
they have been working on for a month to
get healthy enough to have this surgery.
my veterinarians work with the humane
society of hennepin county and donate all
of their time. isn't that wonderful?
i remember going in once and there was
another young kitten (stray) that was giving
birth to a litter and needed help. shari was
holding one of them and it was sooo tiny!
i just love the folks up at anderson lakes vet!
i think i owe them a pizza...maybe tomorrow! :)
i'll give the hobie update tomorrow.
i took this last night...

network meeting today (every wednesday)...
did i mention that we moved from flagship to
the offices of the eden prairie chamber of commerce?
well, we did that just after the 1st of the year.
it's a really nice fit.
flagship was taken over by braham and the
"lifetime fitness" empire and made it impossible
for us to continue meeting there....so, on ward
and upward!
my newest addiction? those flippin' candy hearts

i can sit and put away a bag in a day...
why must these companies put seasonal stuff out
so early? don't they realize that there are addicts
out there? it's just not fair. okay, i admit it, i enjoy sugar.
otherwise i guess i'd be sitting here telling you
that i can put away a whole bag of apples, right?
NO!!! those are out all the time...there's no attraction!
don't you get it?! it's like, i never eat hershey's kisses
until the pink foiled ones hit the shelves.
BRILLIANT marketing, that's what it is...bastards!
i'm certain there must be a 12 step program for sugar.
enjoy the rest of january.....
65 days 'till bert blyleven's & my birthday! :)