picture this.....
pico and elvis get more blog attention!
they brought "the boys" over to anne & pete's
for amanda's birthday party....they had
cute little new t-shirts on and were quite
well behaved...well, until elvis saw the cat!
THEN things got interesting!

have you had a portrait of your children done
the longer you wait, the older they get!!
i keep my family up to date (as i should really)
and i try to get friends interested but you can
only bug people so much..ya know???
hey jacquie, where are you? i saw your car
in the garage but i never saw you?
hope you new job is going great!
anne, thanks for the yummy dinner last night
for amanda's birthday party. i didn't DARE get on the
scale this morning, i just went straight to the gym!
let's see....what's coming up???
my sister's birthday is thursday!
amanda is having tonsils out wednesday.
gary's going pheasant hunting before his
shoulder sugery on the 2nd...YIKES!!
Cheers in Bloomington is having their fall wine
tasting that evening...maybe gary will be so
doped up he won't miss me for a couple of
hours while i run over there with ron & cindy! :)
(actually, he'll probably want to come along!)
then there's halloween, of course.
my studio sample wedding album should arrive
some time next week! i'm excited to see that.
new vendor...new album....new format.
oh, and i had better get busy with me presentation
for the next PUG meeing....election night.
can't WAIT for the commercials to stop!!
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