twins lost yesterday in game one
of the ALDS against the oakland a's.
game two today at noon.
i had a sort of early morning shoot yesterday
at the home of kristine & scott carlston
here in eden prairie. nice and close, actually.
beautiful home all decked out for halloween!
everything went really great!
well, that is until i got home and discovered
that something went horribly wrong with the
majority of them. WHY!!!!?? WHY!!!!??
i worked on it all day yesterday!@#*!
here's one that did come through it all...
rich gannon, former viking and now is in
planning & development for the group.

i contacted them for a re-shoot.
i really hate doing that! but unfortunately it
happens (not often thank God) and you
just have to push through and do it again.
i'm a perfectionist and i never settle for
"that'll do"....ever. sorry gang, it'll be worth it!
waiting to hear back on a re-shoot date.
i packed up the equipment and headed over
to see my nephew, owen...he's 18 months old.
his mom, kindra, made the most darling panda
costume for him to wear for halloween.
if he grows an inch between now and then
i said he'll have to go without a diaper
or it won't fit!!! nice.
kindra is quite talented and i wanted to
photograph him in it cute.
he loves it and if i'd have remembered to take
the card out of her card reader, i would have
posted an image. later perhaps.
i stayed and had dinner with them.
thanks kiki & o! i had a great time!
machie's birthday today...gary's brother's
only daughter....she's out at USC in her
last year of film school....ummmmm 22 i think!
happy birthday mariko!
i'm meeting with cory barton on thursday
to discuss the direction of my web site!
my mom's birthday is friday.....
maybe i'll take her to the casino!?
she loves that place and hasn't been there much
since her friend, judy, got sick and passed away.
they went all the time...she furnished her living
room on the mystic lake plan! :)
more later if i get that card back from kiki.
go twins!
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