now, i don't follow high school football
too closely, but i do live in eden prairie so
therefore i must root for my team, right?
now my nieces, who attend minnetonka,
are mourning the loss today..sorry girls.
moving on......
let me share some highlights from last
night's party....
the guests of honor and hosts for the evening,
kip & susie (who incidently celebrated their
wedding anniversary on the 26th) thought that
they would take us back to their wedding night
complete with dale ernhardt jr. champagne flutes...

hey...what are ya...220? 221??? yea, whatever it takes.

on to the cake cutting. a pile of ho hos,
ding dongs, twinkies and susie Q's....

the guys keeping an eye on the keg

jessie is coming over after church today
for her "birthday present" of hair and
photo session...this is sooo much fun.
i really should market this.
we've got the rollers out this time and
she's going dark too, can't wait.
this'll be the first time we've done indoor
stuff due to the new lights.
i'll post some shots tomorrow!
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