it's thursday, the start of MEA weekend...
i think it was created for teachers so that they
can goof off (right susie??).....
i think it stands for:
Massive Educational Anxiety....or
Moderate Effects of Alcohol....or
my personal favorite....Musn't Elect Amy!
oops, there i go again, showing my political side!! :)
and who gives a crap if her mom is on lipitor anyway! :)
all i know is that kids are out of school for the
next 2 days and these houligans are going to
stay out late and smash pumpkins....
i'm bringing mine inside every night!
hey great news to share!!!!
there's only like 74 days until the Minnesota Miracle
at the Airport Hilton! and guess what?????????
Belinda Jensen is going to be the MC!!!!!!!
isn't that cool! she's reallly excited about it too!
this is reallllly a great thing for this young
event. this is it's 2nd year and already gaining
much local attention.
be sure to go to the miracles of mitch foundation
web site (link on this page) and check out the
Minnesota Miracle link....super fun, ya gotta go!
i'll be there too!
here's some shots from last year.....
the band..."temporary heros"

the stroke of midnight!!

mitch's grandparents ron & diane stanchfield

hey, where did all the hats go??

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