Tuesday, February 06, 2007

salt on an open wound...

picture this...
let's throw a little snow on top
of the sub zero temps and lets do
it during the morning rush hour!!!

hobie is home and better than ever!
he was going crazy when i pulled in
the garage. he knew he was home and
clawed is way over my to my door
so that when i opened it he could
tear out! a little cold for that
so i grabbed him and carried him in.
he just ran up the stairs to gary
and started rubbing on his legs!
quite the homecoming. soooo glad
he's home!

lots of hair this week and then it's
my sister's 11th wedding anniversary
on saturday.
jay magee is having a dinner in shorview
this saturday evening that we are
they raised about $10,000 at the one
last friday in cold spring!!!
latest news is that jay will be going
to portugal in march.
i'll be photographing this saturday's
event and posting new images on his
caring bridge site and my blog.

just pluggin' away this week.
drive safe and stay warm.

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