but I can't take it anymore. There's just
so much "election" in the air that sometimes
I go a little crazy but anyway....so I'm at
my mom's the other day for a quick visit
and I open the door and who is in my mom's
living room? JOHN MCCAIN!...I KNOW! I
couldn't believe it myself! He didn't stay
long but I was able to convince his people
(my mom) to take our picture. Thanks JMac!
We talked about what a fabulous running mate
Tim Pawlenty would make and that appointing
him would allow him ALSO to carry Minnesota!
Yea, I got the inside track now! ;)
However, he did seem a little quite, somewhat
stiff, he really stood his ground and no
matter where you were in the room, his eyes
seemed to follow you...hmmmmmm.

Yea, I know...I thought he was taller too.
Today is "National Night Out" but in Eden
Prairie, we will be referring to ours as
Eden Prairie Night Out! We're going to have
a ball tonight!
Notable...yesterday I didn't cry about Hobie.
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