Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Got balls?

Nope. Boo went in early this morning to
be neutered. I'll pick him up later today.
He's also getting one of those "home again"
chips...h's kind of a runner, much to our
dismay. He just waits for an opportunity
and bolts. Not sure why, he HATES the grass.

Well, I have had a couple of weeks chalked
FULL of distractions lately and I apologize
for not putting images up for Molly & Andy
and Kristin & Carlos. Seems it's always
something. I will be on call the next couple
of days for NILMDTS so I always plan in-house
activities for those days should I need to
head to a West Suburb hospital. I plan to
place images from those 2 weddings up in the
next couple of days. Thanks for your patience.

Last night everyone came out for our street
block party. What a gas. The firetruck came
late but it was TOTALLY worth the wait!
No real watering restrictions this year so
they blasted some water out for what seemed
like an hour. The kids were hysterical and
soaked through!

Can't wait 'til next year!
Thanks everyone for contributing to this
year's successful night!
Suzie, we missed you. :(

1 comment:

TaDa! Creations said...

Hi Susan,
It was so nice to meet you last night. Thank you for sending the photo of Emily, and how fun to come to your blog and see her up there. I wish we could have stayed for the firetruck, the girls would have loved it. Can't wait for next year!

Have a great night!