but this Facebook thing is...well...let's just not
tell Gary. He already thinks that I sit here far too
often for far too long.
I've been blogging for a little over 2 years now and I
really and truly enjoy it. I have to thank Gary Fong
for the heads up on blogging. I heard about it through
him and started right in. It's changed the way I work,
network and communicate...so basically, in a nutshell
it's changed my life.
I thoroughly enjoy this means in which I can share my
passion for my craft. I can share with more people and
I think that's pretty darn cool.
But back to Facebook...this phenomenon, albeit another
thing to keep track of, has launched me deeper into
the world of connectivity. I mean holy hanna (which by
the way I just learned is the next hurricane from a new
friend in Florida, Pedro Diaz...hey Pedro!)
The only trouble with the fact that I can talk to whom
ever I wish is that I can't get anything done while doing
so. Like when you're on the phone you can at least rest the
receiver between your shoulder and your chin and open a beer
or fold some wash or feed the cat...not so much
with a keyboard. Hmmmm...Steve Jobs...there's a money maker
for ya! You heard it here first, folks...the forearm, wifi
keyboard. I'll keep you informed of my prototypes that are
I think I've had too much coffee this morning...ya think?
Alright, anyway..add me as a friend on your facebook and I'll
do the same.
Last night Gary and I went across the street for a little
BBQ action and a bonfire. We always have fun with the Springers!