I started a blog on Monday night when I got the news
that Reese had finally come into the world...
I was saving it to post on Tuesday morning. I forgot
that I had started it so it's still sitting there.
Boy, talk about your "2nd born syndrome", right?!
Sorry Reese. You are darling, perfect and I love you!
When my mom & I got to the hospital yesterday, Sue,
Kindra's, mom was holding Reese and the nurses were
giving Kindra her "exit" speech. Interesting really,
I've never heard one. I especially loved the part about
stitches and stool softener....yeeeeooowwww!
Shortly thereafter, Mike arrived with Owen (the big
brother) and he just went on and on about the whole
experience. Owen is at that really funny age where
he is all about what's going on. He sat next to Kindra
on the sofa and pointed to her belly and said "it's
empty now cuz Reese isn't in there anymore." so cute!
I took a ton of photos and Kindra tried to set one up
by getting Owen to lean in and smell Reese...
he then said.."she doesn't smell like cookies, she
smells like a baby." again...funny!! :)
We stayed and had lunch with Mike & Kindra (Sue had
taken Owen home for a nap) and then the 3 of them would
pack up and head home to begin their life as a family
of 4! I love you all so much and I'll see you again
soon, no doubt!
Here's some shots of the newest Craig..just 48 hours old.

Oh, and guess who didn't get the eyelashes!
Seriously, Owen has more hair on his eyes than some
people have on there head!! I think they need brushing!

Proud Aunt Susan!

Shhhhhhhhh...the baby is sleeping.
1 comment:
What a beautiful baby doll!!:) She is absolutely gorgeous and what a great job you did capturing her and her family.
Congrats Auntie Sue - the shots are fabulous!
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