.....(Hey, Bob Davis sent me a valentine yesterday!
Okay, not really. BUT I did receive his DVD that
I ordered a short time ago. Haven't sat down to
view it yet...I know, TOTALLY not me...it's just
that my vacation deadline is drawing near and I
want my desktop clean when I leave.
It'll be like coming home to a clean house! :)
I'll report on it when I get the opportunity to
take a look at it. I'm really excited to sit
down and be inspired! Maybe I'll reformat it and
load it on my iPhone and watch it on the plane!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love my iPhone?).....
Now on to some fresh material...
Big day yesterday.
**Finished Amanda & Marks images....YAY!
**Went to the Hilton to photograph 2 Minnesota Miracle
cancer families checking in.
**On my way home from that my iPhone (that I love!)
froze up on me and got all hot from being on so
I stopped at the Apple store at the MOA and the
Genius Bar wait was like TWO HOURS! So I kept on
my way and went to Southdale's Apple store and they
fixed it in a nano second!

**Lastly, on my way home from Southdale I got a call
from Heather. I was her last and only hope to take
a session up at North Memorial Hospital in Robinsdale.
So I whipped around and met the most wonderful family.
I met them in the Chapel where they were having a
visitation with friends and family. They lost twin
boys at about 24 weeks. There was an awful lot of
love in that tiny hospital chapel.
Then I followed the mom & dad to their room where I
photographed the sweet twins....

need I ask for you to
take a moment and pray for this family and their
devastating loss??? Thank you!
I'll be heading to Mike & Kindra's to photograph
Reese in a minute and then back to the Hilton to
take some MOMF board member family photos then
it out for a night on the town with Gary, my brother,
Tim and his wife Laurie..dinner & comedy.
I think I need that! ;)
Love to all far and near,
Come tomorrow morning, I'll meet 'cha back here!
(hu, I just made that up. I'm a poet and I.....
naaaa, I wont' go there.
See ya!
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