I returned to Jane's home for her open house
yesterday. It was packed!
The invites that I worked on for her drew
friends, family & colleagues from all over.
Jane even had a banner made of the cover
shot from the invite that hung from the
garage. She had the inside and the outside
all decked out with decorations. Above are name
tags that were provided as you came up the walk.
You made your selection based on how you felt
that day...mine read "I (heart) to socialize".

The purpose for this soiree was to simply
come, meet people and share the love and
celebrate friendships...that's all.
A really terrific idea and a perfect day.
Sunny and much warmer than it's been in a
long time.
Jane, a self proclaimed non-cook, selected
Rodney Davis, owner/operator of LUTREC CATERING
to prepare and serve the most delicious menu.

Here's her Daisy May with her new haircut!

Ringo was on hand for the festivities as well!!

Had a great time, met some fabulous folks, ate some
deLIcious food and left with a smile!
OH, I'll be at the next party for sure!!
Leaving in the morning for Mexico with Gary.
I broke the news to him that I was bringing
my laptop! :\
Nothing like blogging from south of the boarder!
Hurry up and have those darn kittens already, Spice!
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