Anne called me around noon yesterday to tell me
that the kittens were on their way and that
she was freaking out, so I rushed right over!
Much excitement, as you can imagine and my mom
even got in on the action and picked Emily &
Amanda up from school early so they could witness
the birth.
I got there at 12:30 and the first one came
at 1:28. Then, the boredom set in.
I left around 3 to go gas up my mom's car and
put air in her tires and Anne called...
"Where are you?" and I'm like, "getting mom gas,
did she have another one the minute I left???"..yep.
DANG it!!! Oh well....
Here's the first one...

Anne called yesterday around 5 and gave me the
very sad news that the 2nd one did not make it.
Oh, I just HATE that!! She did everything she could
but it was just too weak.
I won't get to see the other beauties in person
until I get home, but if you want...we can all go
to her blog (it's listed under "check these out")
over the next few days and check in.
Oh, and FYI, Anne had a beautiful basket all set
up perfect for Spice and at the last second she
hopped out and into the cardboard box she went.
And that's where she a homeless,
unwed mother on the streets having babies. :\
Adios amigos. Hasta Luego.
I'm off to my happy place!
More from Mexico soon.
Good to talk to you last night Nicki!
Jane & Rodney, thank you so much for your kind
remarks. I love working with you Jane and to
Rodney, get ready for your bulsiness to ROCK!!!
p.s. I've added a Web Cam to the top of my
"check these out" list. It's where I'll be
with my sister from the 6th-13th of March!!