Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Kittens are Coming!!!

(We leave early this morning so this'll be a short one)

Anne called me around noon yesterday to tell me
that the kittens were on their way and that
she was freaking out, so I rushed right over!

Much excitement, as you can imagine and my mom
even got in on the action and picked Emily &
Amanda up from school early so they could witness
the birth.

I got there at 12:30 and the first one came
at 1:28. Then, the boredom set in.
I left around 3 to go gas up my mom's car and
put air in her tires and Anne called...
"Where are you?" and I'm like, "getting mom gas,
did she have another one the minute I left???"..yep.
DANG it!!! Oh well....

Here's the first one...

Anne called yesterday around 5 and gave me the
very sad news that the 2nd one did not make it.
Oh, I just HATE that!! She did everything she could
but it was just too weak.

I won't get to see the other beauties in person
until I get home, but if you want...we can all go
to her blog (it's listed under "check these out")
over the next few days and check in.

Oh, and FYI, Anne had a beautiful basket all set
up perfect for Spice and at the last second she
hopped out and into the cardboard box she went.
And that's where she stayed...like a homeless,
unwed mother on the streets having babies. :\

Adios amigos. Hasta Luego.
I'm off to my happy place!

More from Mexico soon.

Good to talk to you last night Nicki!

Jane & Rodney, thank you so much for your kind
remarks. I love working with you Jane and to
Rodney, get ready for your bulsiness to ROCK!!!

p.s. I've added a Web Cam to the top of my
"check these out" list. It's where I'll be
with my sister from the 6th-13th of March!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Love is Always in the Air!

I returned to Jane's home for her open house
yesterday. It was packed!
The invites that I worked on for her drew
friends, family & colleagues from all over.
Jane even had a banner made of the cover
shot from the invite that hung from the
garage. She had the inside and the outside
all decked out with decorations. Above are name
tags that were provided as you came up the walk.
You made your selection based on how you felt
that day...mine read "I (heart) to socialize".

The purpose for this soiree was to simply
come, meet people and share the love and
celebrate friendships...that's all.
A really terrific idea and a perfect day.
Sunny and much warmer than it's been in a
long time.

Jane, a self proclaimed non-cook, selected
Rodney Davis, owner/operator of LUTREC CATERING
to prepare and serve the most delicious menu.

Here's her Daisy May with her new haircut!

Ringo was on hand for the festivities as well!!

Had a great time, met some fabulous folks, ate some
deLIcious food and left with a smile!
OH, I'll be at the next party for sure!!

Leaving in the morning for Mexico with Gary.
I broke the news to him that I was bringing
my laptop! :\

Nothing like blogging from south of the boarder!

Hurry up and have those darn kittens already, Spice!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm getting PUBLISHED!

I shot a wedding for Bella Pictures last August
and they submitted it for editorial consideration
to The Knot. Now the Knot wants to run it in the
Fall/Winter 2008 The Knot Weddings ~Minnesota
as a Real Wedding Story!

Yes, imagine my shock when I was out to lunch
with my friend talking about getting published
and I got this e-mail on my iPhone right then
& there! WOW! I'll be posting more on that for
sure as the issue hits the stands!
Here's a few shots from that day...

At that same lunch, my friend Jacquie informed
me that one of my images that I shot at an
Urban Ventures event (Colin Powell Center Grand
Opening) last summer will be published in their
annual report (Jacquie is a board member for them).
I'm getting a byline! Super cool!

I actually think it might even be this one...

Lastly, I got the call from Cheryl McClennan.
She was the coordinator for all the photographers
at last year's Starkey Gala. This year I'll be
available for the Gala itself and that's gonna
be VERY cool! Sir Elton John will be performing!
If any of my photographer friends are interested
please send me an e-mail as you never know how
many they are looking for. They have so many
events leading up to the Gala. This year it's the
week of June 9th with the Gala on Saturday the 14th.

I forgot to post this image from the other night.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Bikini Diet...

Okay ladies, here's what ya do....
about 3 days out from your trip where you will
be wearing your bikini, you get together with
your great friend that you haven't seen in weeks,
you go to Champp's in Eden Prairie for their

I hate you Jacquie!!! This is your punishment!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mexico Roaming...

AT&T has me all set up for roaming with my iPhone
in Mexico. For 5 bucks (per month) I can save about
40 cents per minute. My incoming texts will be
free and I will need to turn my data off so no
e-mails or internet from my phone while I'm down
there or I will need to knock over "el banco"
to pay for it! :\

Gary saw me packing the cord for my laptop and he
didn't look too happy. He wants me to "unplug" this
trip. It's gonna kill me, but I think that I will
honor his request. He caught me on the balcony
last year...drinking & blogging!! With pinot GRIGIO!

Jacquie, I'll see you at 11.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Playa, Playa, Playa, Playa....

Sometimes it helps to visualize yourself somewhere.
Especially when it's been as cold as it has around here.
"Nasty" is s good word to describe the weather lately.
"Bitter" works, so does @^!*^@^*#%*%&$##!!!!
I seriously don't know what we would talk about in
Minnesota if it weren't for the CRAZY weather.
I mean, what do you suppose they talk about in Hawaii?
(perhaps Sue & Jesse could help me out there!)

Well, what I know for sure is that we leave this
wonderful winter tundra on Tuesday for a week and
we will be exchanging white snow for white sand.
THAT I can handle...I can't wait to bitch about the
heat & the blowing sand! tee hee.

Jimbo took this one last year..

This I shot a couple of years ago..

And this is Lunata. Nicki & I stayed there
several years ago. Gary and I will stay there
this year. It's on the 5th Ave.~10 rooms, sooo cute!

That first photo reminds me....I took some shots
of the eclipse last night. I'll post them tomorrow.
If I remember!! ;)

(p.s. I fixed the photo of Carol on yesterday's blog.)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

colder than a meat locker!

Well, actually, MUCH, MUCH colder than a meat locker!
Woke up to not only 12 below outside but inside,
once I crawled out from under the electric mattress pad
set to chernobyl, I discovered that the house was
down to 62! That's cold! That's with the heat ON!
The door to the porch was open (4 season apparently
doesn't include February!). I can't even keep my coffee
hot in my mug. It's cold!

Yesterday, Pete's mom came over to get her hair done.
I love Carol. She is such a gentle soul. I perm her
hair about 3 times a year. She's the only one I perm.
So when I do, the house get a little stinky but it
doesn't last long and Carol is alway sooo grateful.
She always says.."I hope you never stop doing hair."
AAAARRRRG! (as Charlie Brown would say)...the pressure!
Anne came to pick her up and asked if I'd take Carol's
photo. So I did!

Anne also brought over the x-ray of Spice's kitties!
We can see 5 sculls & 5 spines...WOW, 5 kittens due
in about 5-6 days. Birmans. Know anyone in the market?
I can put you in touch with Anne.
I hope she delivers before Gary and I leave for Mexico.

This is Spice when we picked her up in Iowa

Met with Laura last night. She works at our Vet.
She is going to stay with Hobie & Katie while we are
away. Hobie is a "special needs" cat now with his
meds and we are thrilled (so are Anne, Jacquie & Scott)
that she was available to house/pet sit for us!
Thanks Laura. If you are ever in need of a pet sitter
give me a shout and I'll put you in touch with her!

Take time to call your travel agent today :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another sub~zero day!

I feel like we have had like 7 winters this year!
It's supposed to warm up again by the weekend.
I'll believe it when I feel it!

I'm working with Image Quix to see if they will
make for a nice alternative to Pictage for my
online proofing. First up, Amanda & Mark's wedding.
If I get the okay, and things go well, I'll post
information so that you all can go check it out.
I'm kind of excited to try something different.
Change is good! Plus, if it ends up costing me less,
I'll pass on the savings!

I'm beginning to work on Lexi & John's wedding images
from February 2nd. I hope to have those finished
before we leave next Tuesday.

Here's Lexi's boy, Owen...

Her sister's kids Zach & Ava..

Then I'll try to get to my taxes. Bad wife, BAD WIFE!!!

I have 2 cancer families checking in this Friday
but I may just have to pass on going. Karen, just
a heads up on that one. Trying to get out of town
is taking it's toll!

Talked to Cory Barton yesterday.
We are going to get these changes to my web site
rolling, FINALLY!! I am SO excited for that to happen!

Emma Conrad's birthday is this Thursday!
Happy Birthday, EARLY!! I'm afraid I might forget!! :)

I booked Nancy & Rick's wedding for April 19th.
Jason Stenvold is going to come along and shadow.
Looking forward to that!

Gotta run...stay warm!

Jacquie, Friday @ 11, right?

Monday, February 18, 2008

We had snow much fun!

The Baker clan, minus Anne, and I went to Highland
Hills yesterday to redeem my Christmas gift to them.
The girls had never skied before but Ben is an
excellent snowboarder! Emily opted to get a snowboard
and Pete, Amanda and I got skis. Then Pete popped
for private lessons for the girls and we were on
our way.....

Pete & Amanda...

Me & Amanda...

Ben & Amanda...

Check out Emily's hot instructor!! I'm going to see
if I can get a hold of him for a shoot. :)

I'll bet everyone slept really well last night!
I know I did! Thanks gang! Let's do it again before
the season is over!

(All shot with my 10D & a 90mm fixed 2.8~the 10D will
become my new "out & about" camera...it's still great!)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Skiing? Me?

I'll admit, it's been about 6 years since I have
been skiing. Gary and I used to make the trek out
to Keystone, Vail, Beaver Creek & A Basin each
winter to enjoy some "real" mountains. We always
had a great time! Turns out, I'm a darn good skier!
Once I get in a groove, there's no stopping me!

Here's a shot of Gary and I at the back bowls at
Keystone in Colorado.

Today Pete and I are taking Ben, Emily & Amanda
skiing over at Highland Hills. Ben is a seasoned
snow boarder and for Emily & Amanda, this will be
their first ski experience. We all leave for Mexico
in a couple of weeks, we'd all better take it easy!
We'll be good Anne!

I bought a big package for the kids for Christmas
and we thought we'd better try to make it out some-
time soon so, today is the day!

Here's some shots of Dr. Joanna Perkins and her boys
Nick & Alex. I met them over the lunch break at the
Airport Hilton. The MOMF was holding a retreat there
and this was as good a time as any to start taking the
board member portraits. 3 down, 10 to go!

Thanks Jason Stenvold for coming along and lending
your backgrounds. These are great!

Well, I'd better get a move on if I want to get these
boots cleaned up....I hope my ski pants fit!! :]

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So here's the poop...I wrote this yesterday...

.....(Hey, Bob Davis sent me a valentine yesterday!
Okay, not really. BUT I did receive his DVD that
I ordered a short time ago. Haven't sat down to
view it yet...I know, TOTALLY not me...it's just
that my vacation deadline is drawing near and I
want my desktop clean when I leave.
It'll be like coming home to a clean house! :)

I'll report on it when I get the opportunity to
take a look at it. I'm really excited to sit
down and be inspired! Maybe I'll reformat it and
load it on my iPhone and watch it on the plane!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my iPhone?).....

Now on to some fresh material...

Big day yesterday.
**Finished Amanda & Marks images....YAY!
**Went to the Hilton to photograph 2 Minnesota Miracle
cancer families checking in.
**On my way home from that my iPhone (that I love!)
froze up on me and got all hot from being on so
I stopped at the Apple store at the MOA and the
Genius Bar wait was like TWO HOURS! So I kept on
my way and went to Southdale's Apple store and they
fixed it in a nano second!

**Lastly, on my way home from Southdale I got a call
from Heather. I was her last and only hope to take
a session up at North Memorial Hospital in Robinsdale.
So I whipped around and met the most wonderful family.
I met them in the Chapel where they were having a
visitation with friends and family. They lost twin
boys at about 24 weeks. There was an awful lot of
love in that tiny hospital chapel.
Then I followed the mom & dad to their room where I
photographed the sweet twins....

need I ask for you to
take a moment and pray for this family and their
devastating loss??? Thank you!

I'll be heading to Mike & Kindra's to photograph
Reese in a minute and then back to the Hilton to
take some MOMF board member family photos then
it out for a night on the town with Gary, my brother,
Tim and his wife Laurie..dinner & comedy.
I think I need that! ;)

Love to all far and near,
Come tomorrow morning, I'll meet 'cha back here!
(hu, I just made that up. I'm a poet and I.....
naaaa, I wont' go there.

See ya!