he's the guy that got my foot in the
door to shoot the starkey gala last summer
and he needs me to assist him at starkey's
big 40th anniversary party this weekend.
i called anne and cleared it with her first
and she bowed to my whim...love you anne!
ya see this is the weekend that we bake all
the cookies and i'm already going to miss friday
night due to another function.
i have to get outside and photograph the snow~
it is just gorgeous!!
this week and into the weekend we should get
about 7 or so more inches! CRAZY!!!!
here is how it stands today...sunny and 10.
i know....brrr, right? but it's really pretty!

jacquie, here's YOUR house! :)

here's hobie, chillin' in the window.

i think he wants to climb in a suitcase and
go somewhere warm too...he's got that look.
well, more expected, i'll certainly keep you
up to date on the weather here and the possibility
of us actually getting a snow blower...ours is
officially kaput! well, you know what they say~
a family that shovels together...books a warm

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