owen stopped by yesterday to help bake
cookies with anne & i. he even brought
along his chef hat and apron!
then i had him sneak in and wake anne up.
i knew she would LOVE that!!

anne said "it was the best wake-up, ever!"
then we got serious and got to work.
owe can not only tell you how to crack eggs,
he can demonstrate too (check out the tongue!).

turns out, he's pretty handy in the kitchen! ;)
we did a lot of handwashing so no worries!

here's owen helping roll out the peanut
butter blossoms. he now knows to space them
out on the cookie sheet!

every year anne & i "hit the wall" and have
a gutt busting, pee your pants laugh attack.
we never know when it's going to strike but
last night at about 1, it' happened..i can't
even remember what it was but we were just
pathetic...gary slept through it..thank goodness!
i love you anne!
ron & cindy arrived home last night and
i ran (literally) some cookies down to them.
it was so great to see and hug them both!
they are exhausted and drained but happy
to be home for the time beeing.
please take some time to pray for ron &
his family as his father continues on his
path to rehab and recovery from his stroke
nearly a week ago. ron's mom is with him and
needs your prayers for strength and resolve.

we'll finish up the cookies to day and start
delivery tomorrow....
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