the Christmas photo cards...i LOVE getting
them. AND i keep them, i don't toss 'em.
don't get me wrong, i don't have a wing
dedicated to Christmas past photo cards
at my home or anything, i just save them for
a while before i toss 'em.
well, here's the deal, my sister sent this
photo (apparently she doesn't need me to
photograph her children anymore) this morning
in an email...

but this is what it looked like before i
fixed it...silly anne! 'spose i'll need to
hold a photoshop seminar for her soon!
or perhaps just get her a real camera and or
teach her about lighting. wouldn't that be
a fun thing to do! i like to teach!
gotta run, too much on my plate today....
more snow on the way and gary finally found
a snow blower today..yay! next several days
we will easily add a foot to what is already
on the ground! i still think it's pretty.
Lois, thank you again for the perfect holiday
blouse...i LOVE it!!
i'll be wearing it a lot this season.
pray for my good friends ron & cindy...
ron's dad just suffered a really bad
stroke and is at st. mary's in rochester.
i just get sick when terrible things
happen to those i love...please pray.
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