we are going to head over to mike & kindra's
later today for cake and ice cream as they
have graciously offered up their home as the
birthday place today. they also have a new
deck that they have recently completed so i
think they would like us all to see that too!
here's mom with june & garrick last thanksgiving.

and summer in anne & pete's pool! raaar!

she's coming over today for me to work my magic
with her hair. not that it needs magic.
just a gift from me to my mom...i love you mom!
last night mike and kindra brought owen over
for a cut then paid me with punch pizza!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, punch pizza!! so does owen!

thanks gang, for a nummy dinner.
see you later today for cake.
and owen, don't forget about the airplanes
next weekend! ;)
jennifer.....watch it! anne might send you
a oak tree in holland for some fall color!!~
elena, a new photographer friend who i have yet
to meet, is going to join in on our PUG group
this tuesday! she's wanted to come but just
hasn't. i'm really excited to meet her.
say "hi" to michael!
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