today is blog action day! the topic? the environment.
how do i see it? well, i can honestly report that i am
doing my part.
i don't own a prius but i do work from home which
is (by the looks of the traffic reports each morning)
a rarity! lucky me!
we are replacing bulbs around the house to those funky
"DQ~twist" looking jobs. spendy but they last for years!
gary has always been a big fan of all the electric
lawn tools (minus the mower) like the weed whipper,
the hedge trimmer and the leaf blower..he has all the
lawn gadgets...he's the lawn master! when you google
immaculate get a picture of gary in front
of our house...i'm kidding! but while i'm on the subject,
why does the word "google" get a red flag for spelling?
hmmmm, isn't it in the dictionary already?
i digress, sorry.
back to the environment...
i think that earth day needs more attention...
people still throw stuff out their car windows! i'm just
amazed by that! where's that indian that stood by the
side of the road crying? they should bring him back.
mark your calendars for april 22, day.
more rain for our lovely earth today here in minnesota.
beats snow at this point i guess, right?
here's a blog that quite clearly spent more time on
her "blog action day" blog than me...
happiness project. enjoy.
1 comment:
write a belated post about an environmental issue that is important to me. I see a lot of people using a product in luxury homes that is very destructive in a number of ways. It may also be contributing to the changes in the environment. Check out this post, please:
Brazilian Teak Floors, Slave Labor, and the Destruction of the Rainforest.
If this url was too long and got broken in the comment form, you can find it easily at:
Anything you can do to share this link or help promote awareness of this issue will be greatly appreciated. Normally, I don't ask for this kind of help, but the issue is that important to me. Most luxury home owners are unaware of the environmental and human cost of these products.
Thank you!
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