Wednesday, October 24, 2007

day 2 @ bakers...

all is well here.
i have a cat on my lap (sugar) and it feels
like home already! altho' i could really use
a bean grinder. i brought some yummy coffee
and i prefer to buy beans and so my next
house gift for anne & pete will be a bean
grinder (i'll try to remember to bring mine
back with me later today). my mom & pete
like to mix all kinds of flavored stuff and
just grind it all up together at the store.
i'm a purist...i like plain coffee and plain
cream. flavored coffee to me is like putting
ketchup on filet mignon! :P~~~
i'll suffer for one more morning.
today's flavor is like a pumkin patch in a cup!

okay, so i got a call at 7am from my neighbor, susie.
apparently, my garage door was wide open, the all
the lights were on and nobody was home (no blonde jokes please!).
she ran over and shut it for me.
i called gary and asked if he was still at work
and he said "heck no, i'm in st. peter" (heading to south
dakota pheasant hunting). i told him what happened and
he was like..."well....?" let me tell you, if i had
run off all excited to get somewhere (like to, i don't's say, national camera and left
the garage door open, i'd get the riot act for sure!
thanks susie, for being on neighborhood watch for us!
i'll be there from about 11 to 4 today working.

speaking of which, i met a really nice couple yesterday
that are desperately trying to find a photographer for
their december 22nd wedding this year. it's the last
thing that they have to do and they had a long list
of photographers to meet with, starting with me.
they were fun and it sounds to me like they are keeping
things quaint and personal so it would be just a joy
to be there for them and photograph their wedding.
i'll keep you posted.

gary brought pizza last night for all of us and after
the girls were done they went down to the theater and
selected "dumb & dumber" to watch before bed (see my
profile at the top and check out my top movies!)
we shouted out all the lines that we have memorized
over the was really fun!
"...our pets heads are falling off!"
"it's okay, i'm a limo driver!?
"samsonite, i was way off!"
"just when i think you can't be any dumber, you go and
do something like this....and TOTALLY redeem yourself!"

9 went to the casino last night with bob.

oh, and it was so windy yesterday the we could have
tied a sheet to the roof of the house and flown to
paris ourselves!

i'll try to remember to add some photos when i
get home. the girls want to call you in paris
this's about 3 there right now.


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