we are all going to head out to dinner
tonight at a new spot...
ruby's something or other...it's another
"axel's" off shoot restaurant.
yes, of course i'm going to bring my camera!
and i'll get the name straight tonight too.
it is gorgeous today...low 70's and sunny.
this is why we minnesotan's live here...for
the 6 really nice days a year that we get! :)
the rest of the year is simply designed to
keep the "riff~raff" out! but that doesn't
seem to be working so well lately.
before they die...here's some colorful stuff
from out front...(well, not the first one)

g's birthday is tomorrow...card's in the mail!
hobie & katie's vet visit went really well.
dr. rodney toogood was just happy to see hobie
and not have to do the roto rooter thing to him
for once! dr. toogood is really great.
altho' dr. lorna reichle is studying animal
behavior for 2 more years at the u of m and
we miss her, dr. bey & dr. toogood are really
pretty wonderful.
hobie is just under 14 pounds and katie just
over 10...they really are mostly hair!
going to change that very soon however.
my brother, scott, is coming over this morning
for a haircut. he apparently started something
that he couldn't finish yesterday and has
called in the professional to fix it!
then we are going to head out for just a bit
to discuss what photos are needed on his
web site and also toss around some ideas that
he can consider to get his name out there!
scott is a mediator, life coach (& fitness buff)
extraordinaire ...AND a 1st degree black belt!
tomorrow evening, i'll be meeting with cheryl
maclennan of the starkey hearing foundation.
she's flying up from grapevine texas to meet
with the photographers for the gala to discuss
the game plan. can't wait to meet her!
one last thing..."hell's kitchen".
chef ramsey has another great group of
winers on his hands this season!
makes me appreciate a perfectly prepared
meal when we go out to a restaurant that's
for sure!
try to get outside today! :)
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