altho' it's felt like summer for some time i'll
acknowledge it anyway!
had a great time over in como park yesterday.
met up with heather, her 2 daughters ryan & skyler
and their dog "moxie".

they moved here from kansas about 3 years ago
and they are moving out to utah in about week.
her husband is taking a off they go.
they bid on my package for a portrait session
back on new years eve at the hilton and finally
connected...just in time!

due to their crazy schedule...i'm posting all
the images on pictage for them to view along
with family members who are all over the place!
that's when online viewing really is great!
good luck with the move and i'll talk to you soon!
huge storms blew through last night about the
time we were all supposed to go to dinner.
hail, strong winds rain...i called anne and told
her to inform scott that he may want to seek
shelter for his brand new lamborghini! Y*I*K*E*S!!
it all worked hail (in chanhassen) but
MAN! what a light show last night. it was like
vegas in the clouds!! beautiful!
well, scott k. turned 38 yesterday and we all
met up at axel's in chan. he saved all of his
carbs for the evening..good thing too, check out
the dessert he chose!!

by the time we left it was pretty dark
and i thought i'd get a shot of scott's car
anyway. it doesn't really give this $150K
machine (gallardo) much justice but it's
pretty me!

later today i meet up with cheryl maclennan
at the griffin gallery in edina to meet tani &
jane seymore, then we are off to the austin's
home on bryant lake for the vip welcome party
for the kick off to the starkey hearing foundation
gala. i have no idea who will be there tonight.
heads of state, actors & actresses, sports figures,
musicians, fortune 500 company leaders....all of them.
this is a mighty big event and i am honored to
have been selected to be a photographer to cover
it this year. i'm not certain what the availability
will be for me to post some of these images
right away but i know that they are being
given to me as well.
that's it. enjoy your first day of summer!
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