was an absolute blur for me.
when i left you all last i was
about to do my niece's hair and
photograph her for her birthday.
which was a extremely fabulous time!
we added bangs (fringe for you folks
in england!) she LOVES her new hair!
friday evening ron & cindy popped over
for a bon fire (even scott joined us,
jacquie's husband). we hadn't seen
them in a couple of weeks so that
was fun.
saturday morning, early, gary left
for south dakota with mike & mike
for the wedding of the daughter of
the friend whose land they hunt pheasant
on in the fall...make sense?
well they got back yesterday at 1
so it makes no sense to me. to drive
11 hours to spend 12??? i don't get it.
i headed to excelsior for "art on the lake"
an annual, 2-day event that's really
fun as long as the weather cooperates,
and it did. i brought along my camera
but haven't dumped those images in
that i'll i've had time to do is work
on g's photos....
well, i raced off to alex's graduation
open house at my sister's. rain nearly
spoiled the day but it all went south.
alex is anne's husband pete's neice.
follow that? she's off to drake in the fall.
raced home from that around 6 and met
jacquie back here to foil & cut her hair.
she stayed until 10:30 and we just hung
out and talked...it was really relaxing
and a great, fulfilling, connecting evening.
thanks jacquie!
sunday, headed back to excelsior to
finish the booths we passed up in order
to get to the open house then back home
to see gary and go to marissa's open
house (across the street)...hung out with
the neighbors and then BACK to excelsior
for cake with the family....wheeeew!
i'm telling you...gas? 3 bucks a gallon?
who cares?!!!!
okay...here are some of my favorite
shots from the birthday shoot...

we returned home and got a

and a sista~sista shot!

hi june & garrick...thanks for blogging!
hope you enjoy the pix!
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