here's marissa!
isn't she gorgeous!
her mom, mia, kept saying...
"i can't believe i made her!"
tough to see your baby girl
all grown up and looking so
mature all of a sudden!

in the middle of the shoot
it started to rain....darn it!
not hard, just enough to halt
things for a little bit....
so we ran for shelter under
one of the arches and i discovered
that the light was really great there
so we hung out for quite a while
and got some really great stuff!
you were quite the trooper marissa.
the rain let up and we finished with
about 200 personal high
for a senior student...usually i get
150 in. marissa made it easy to shoot
more...and more....and more.... :)
that might be it for seniors this year.
this has been a terrific season for me
and i have so many people to thank!
cameron's wallets should come today.
sara's 4x6's came yesterday.
i shared my finished flush mount studio
sample album of amanda & rick's wedding
with them last night via the internet.
it should be here in 6 weeks.
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