would my 9 1/2 year old niece
know what to do if she was babysitting
and there was severe weather?
my heart is aching today.
a 10 year old girl was killed when
the home she was babysitting in
saturday night collapsed on her during
a ravaging tornado that appeared too quickly
just north of the twin cities in rogers, mn.
I know how deep a hole that emily
would leave in my life if it had happened to her.
it's just so heartbreaking!
i love you emily!

very dismal day today.
errands all day. one minute it's pouring,
the next it's sunny...only about 50 something
i've been in touch with a real estate group
(carlston group) and we are planning a photo
session at the home of one of the group members
on the 3rd of october. i'm looking forward to
this, i've got some new lighting that i'm excited
about that i'll be able to bring along for the
another senior straggler, just when you think
you're done! i met with tony yesterday and that
went great! altho' it was tough shooting around
the cast on his left hand we got the job done!
thanks jen.

marissa ("rissa" as she's known by some) and her
mom & i will venture down to the stone arch
bridge on saturday for a unique shoot for a unique
girl! that's going to be fun..that should be the
last of the seniors this year....i think! :)
wednesday, i am speaking at my networking
group. yay! i get to get up and sell myself &
my business. i threw out a teaser last week-
knowing that i would be speaking this week.
i brought along some of my favorite images
to give the group an idea of what to expect this
i'm preparing an offer to extend to each of them
to "test the waters" with me, so-to-speak.
two of the group members have already referred
me sight unseen...nice. thanks steve & pam!
my neighbor just sent me this image that her
husband shot this weekend...pretty good i'd
say for a rookie with a point & shoot.
nice job, ron!

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