are you ready for this????
we just put the electric matress
cover on the bed.
no, it hasn't snowed here yet,
but it sure has felt like it could
these past couple of days!!!!

if we are lucky, we'll get a couple of weeks
of this first....i shot this tree last fall just
around the corner from my friend gerri's house
in plymouth....nice.

after a day of hair,
i turned to my photography.
i took an image to bill clark's house
in minnetonka to show him what
pictage is turning out to my clients.
(bill is a member of pictage and
has been hosting the "pug" meetings
the 2nd tuesday of each month in his home)
i have decided that i may actually stay
on the pro plan so that i can keep
my unlimited image uploading, let
clients view their images online offer
the array of products that they have
(pretty extensive, really) but
then i will go thru another production
house locally here to have the work
printed. it will be more economical
for everyone!
bill and i sat and looked at a lot of
his albums and talked about the
direction that we both want to go in the
near future with our photography.
i told bill that if he needed any assistance
from me at any of his upcoming weddings
to give me a call and i'd be happy to
help. thanks for meeting me today, bill!
my lighting should be here friday.
more on that at the end of the week.
i'm speaking tomorrow about my business.
i'm going to get up in front of my network
group and explain why they and the people
they know should do business with me.
it's do i talk about photography?
how do you sell something you haven't done?
that's the strange thing about this business....
people buy "me"...based on previous performances.
they have not been married before so how will
i shoot their wedding.
their children are going to be photographed in
their own home, not someone else's....
i am always so flattered when someone buys "me"
for having a vision.
no one cares if i'm shooting a 2.8 or a 1.4 lens...
is mega pixle just a #? who asks, "are you shooting
RAW or JPEG?"...pretty much no one i've photographed.
a face of an 8 month old is precious, everyone knows
that...can you photograph it?....probably.
with the right light, from the right angle, with
proper exposure? with any luck, maybe.
i can...everytime!
there are a lot of photographers out there.....
there are also a lot of folks out there that are getting
pretty darn handy with today's technology.
me?....i am a purist. i like to shoot what i see......
and print what i over the top
filters and gadgets....i love people...they should
look like themselves.
don't 'cha think?
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