Thursday, April 26, 2007

now i lay me down to sleep...

today, or rather tonight, i will have the
privilege of meeting cheryl haggard, co-founder
of "now i lay me down to sleep".
i'm attending a training session at abbott in
minneapolis this evening and cheryl will be there.
she lost her son maddux shortly after he was born
and called upon a photographer to come and take
some photos of him and a foundation was born.
i'll be bringing my camera.
so that means that i need to get my lens back from
kindra today.

i'm currently working on my sister's vacation album.
i'm organizing images and transferring them from my
lap top to my G5 desktop. fun stuff!
it makes me feel happy and good to look at all these
great times we had while in mexico.
far cry from how i will feel tonight.

i have several involvements with my photography
outside of weddings and portraiture. i give much
of my time and talents to organizations and foundations
that i hold near and dear and after watching
"idol gives back" i may have more.
i want to go to africa and bring back a 1/2 a dozen
kids...don't you? wasn't it moving?!
some people feel that american idol is just trying to
pat themselves on the back...i think that they have
realized what an impact they have on society and why
not use that to better the world. i, for "one", think it's awesome.

i do what i can on a local level, but this gives me
the opportunity to do something on a global level.
sometimes it's just easier to give money than it is to give time.
i'm sure that dean and lois are down in arizona thinking..
"what? you're going to africa?!"
no....not yet anyway. i'll wait for gary to get back.
someone has to watch the cats, right?! :)

gary called this morning. all is well and of course,
it's gorgeous there. they have a 9~something t-time
and then they plan to hit the pool. his shoulder feels
good, it's his back that is bothering him now.
must be from carrying all the guilt! :)

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