Saturday, December 23, 2006

as the shoppers rush home...

picture this....
i made an executive decision to run
out last night and get a few final gifts
rather than attempting mid day today!
it wasn't bad, really. but then i was
prepared to park in wisconsin anyway...
lost a thumnail in the process..crap!

we missed getting 3-4 inches of snow
by only about 6 miles!!!
one of my clients yesterday told me that
her back yard looks like a winter wonderland!
crap...we got nothin'! (see yesterday's blog)
there's pretty much nothing left now.
oh well, thank you global warming!

do you suppose that andy rooney would ever
do a story on whether or not paying for
expedited shipping really pays?
i mean, really....i paid twice the amount to get
3-5 because i FEARED the item might arrive tuesday!
it was on my doorstep in TWO!!!
what if i'd have done the normal 5-7??
do you think it would have gotten here in 5?
i do... they get you with FEAR!!
who would want to disappoint a child, right?!
amanda is going to LOVE it! so it was worth it.

i'll be wrapping gifts and trying to keep my cats
out of theirs this evening...they've already
discovered their loot...they really are like children!

happy Christmas eve, eve!

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