Monday, April 06, 2009

Today I Celebrate!

My sister will be here in about 30 minutes.
She and I are going to the gym to work out
together. We've started swapping gyms every
now and again and I have to say that having
a gym partner is sooo much better than goin'
it alone all of the time.
So, occasionally on a Monday or a Friday we
get together and kick it!
We've recently discovered that we can actually
sandwich an hour of weights with an hour of
cardio (30 minutes before and after).
It runs about 1000 calories and makes me
feel like I've conquered the world!
Anne and I actually made up a word for our
hour of cardio......"hourdio"! It's really
sad how such little things can bring such
joy as we get older! :|

Once we complete the workout portion of this
day, I will be visited by Owen and Reese.
Owen as made me a picture and wants to give
it to me today so they are stopping by.

Then Anne and I will head to Nicki's as she
is preparing lunch for me at her house.

Gary and I are going to dinner at Campiello's
here in Eden Prairie. I absoLUTely love
that restaurant! Their short ribs?? Heaven!

Well, Thanks for stopping by today...make
your day special too!

1 comment:

sandi said...

Happy Birthday, happy workout...happy everything!!!