Friday, February 06, 2009

Warm Up!

Today's high will be about 41 or so.
Remarkable because it's February and we
Minnesotan's don't see (or feel) those temps
until sometime in March or even April! :\
The other night when the meteorologists
showed the horribly low temps in northern
Minnesota, Gary said... "My God, why do
people live there?" and of course all I could
think of to say was..."That's what people
say about US, hon." It's all relative, right?

It's Friday and I was told that I would get
another opportunity to go to St. Paul to the
Gopher Bar with the boys for a Coney Dog!
What could I say...I love it there!
But I asked Gary if George would kick me out
for not drinking cuz I'm sorta on the wagon
for a bit.

Enjoy the warm weather today!

T minus 16 days.

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