Friday, February 13, 2009


Our carpet came today!
However, the edge that is nearest the bar
requires some sort of puttsy process that we didn't
know about so we have to postpone the installation
to next week! waaaaaaaa! It's so close to being
completed that the setback is so very frustrating.
The lovely gents decided to go ahead and unload the
pad & carpet anyway, and why wouldn't you, right?
So I can at least stare at it and envision it complete!

Nonetheless, Nicki is venturing over to re-plaster
the bar (that's for YOU Sandi!) to remove some of
the gold shimmer. I decided that I liked it without.
Ordinarily, I'm not so HM but anytime I can get
re-plastered in a bar...right? Okay, I'm kidding ;)

I'm taking my SCUBA exam on Sunday and heading to
a pool for a review so that I can finish up my
certification in Playa...I am soooo pumped and I
NEVER use the word "pumped" so you know I'm excited!
You see, you have to finish with "Open Water" dives
which, in Minnesota in the winter, isn't possible.
So, I'll be diving in Mexico! Hi, how you doin'?! :)

We are into the "10 day" weather outlook on the web
and it's looking good. Not that we can do anything
about it but it's just fun to see.."85, feels like 92"

I think I haven't mentioned yet that we have recently
learned that Nedi is no longer working at the hotel that
we always stay at. Therefore, we have to ask around
and find out where he is so we can get together.
It just won't be the same without going to his home and
seeing his family. I miss them so much and it will just
be so different without that experience. :(

Woops, I just discovered that Gary ripped out my external
TB hard drive when he was measuring flooring last night.
CRAP! I gotta go...that's where ALL of my photo are!
More later.

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